OK, Ya'll. Here's the lowdonw: Since my last post, I fell off the TA wagon, got mired in depression, went broke, started a bonbon business, earned some money, went broke again and promptly put on 10 more pounds. Did you get that last part? I PUT ON 10 (TEN!!!) MORE POUNDS.
Part of that weight gain may be attributed to the fact that I also stopped taking all my medication. No more Adderall. No more Wellbutrin. The fact that the cost of my Adderall prescription went from $30 to $120 was a good motivator, but I knew deep down that it was the right time to go "au natural." Both those medications increase metabolism, so stopping them both is bound to slow it down-- atleast at first.
Fortunately, my foot seems to have healed, and I'm confident I can get back to cardio without pain or issues. I just had a great consultation with Dee Ragin, a homeopathic wellness coach who prescribes the "Eat Right for Your Type" Diet. I was shocked and horrified to find out that I'm A+ which, according to the ERFYT diet, works best with a....(gasp, snort, sniffle...) VEGETARIAN diet. GULP. I hate vegetables. I don't like eating them. I don't like cooking them. I often forget about the vegetable portion of dinner until it's almost too late to make some!!!! I'm probably the only chick on Earth who hates salads. Well, I like salads that have, um, BACON. Ya know. That kind of salad.
Well, now this bee-atch needs a serious detox. Not a master cleanse detox...yet. Dee suggested that I should do a raw cleanse-- sticking to veggies, fruits, smoothies, juicing, etc...I truly feel that's what I need to get healthy.
AND...what I really need is to get back to my girl Tracy. TODAY. I'm getting back to basics and plan to do the original TA mat workout with an additional 45-60 min cardio workout. Both. Everyday.
I'm going home to DC in 6 weeks and want to have this weight OFF. 170 and counting. At this point, just to be down to 150 would be amazing. I WILL do this!!!!