Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Banished from the Kingdom of TAM...

So let's get all the negative stuff unloaded first....As most of you know from Facebook posts, my TAM alias, "Parker Tam," got banned from the main Tracy Anderson Facebook page.  There was no snarky comment, no egregious post-- just simply a suggestion that the TAM team offer an online option for detox week for those of us who can't afford the $3,000 price tag.  I thought it would be a brilliant marketing move for them.  Apparently I was wrong.  Not only were my comments removed, I was blocked from posting anything further on the page.

Banished from the Kingdom of TAM
I was hurt.  I was surprised.  And most of all, I was disappointed.  I felt like thorns had suddenly spread around the Palace of Princess Tracy.... And little 'ol me, banished from the Kingdom of TAM!

All this, after I just finished taking the time to reach out to thousands of TAM'ers through Facebook and compile a comprehensive list of suggestions on how the Method could be improved-- from customer service to editing to online access and pricing.  This was at the request of the main PR company overseeing the last detox week, who is now in charge of revamping the website and online community.

I guess no good deed goes unpunished.

But, I'm not going to make myself a martyr here...I am simply OVER and ABOVE the drama.  This workout method initially attracted me because of the 1. Results and 2. The community of support.  I am still getting results and I still have a community of support from the incredible women on TAM facebook fan groups-- dozens who came to my defense online and even sent angry emails to TAM customer service, demanding to know why I had been blocked.  Some women even canceled their subscriptions.

I am not encouraging anyone to stop doing the Method.  Hell, even after all this dramz, I still get my Metamorphosis workout on!  But I will no longer be a public advocate for Tracy Anderson or her Method.  I will simply continue doing my workout, and of course, continue to share my results with you all, but ---  I canceled my Parker Tam account and I will soon be changing my blog to reflect the changes as well.  You may have already noticed I deleted Tracy's picture and all reference to her Method.  The truth is, Tracy inspired me to begin with, but I've been getting ready to make a break for some time now.  It kind of feels like escaping from a cult dumping your long-time friend who's been getting toxic.  Sorry girl, but I gotta let you go.  But, I will give you an hour of my day, six days a week to tighten up my ass.  (She'll get back at me by making my thighs and arms ache daily, I'm sure.)

And, come to think of it, while "Mistress of the Method" was started to document my TAM journey,  "the Method" doesn't have to be about Tracy's Method, right?

I'm totally open to suggestions....Unfortunately, Mistress of Mayhem, is already taken!  Boo!

Perhaps, this is a chance to re-brand myself-- and for the better!  After all, I'm working toward getting a cookbook and a cooking show off the ground....Mistress of Many Muffintops?  Mistress of Mucho Food?  Mistress of Make Me Another Meal?  LOL!

Mistress of Mucho Awesome Food!
I have lots of good things to share in the coming weeks....including loads of delish recipes, interviews with women who inspire me, and of course, some raucous and raunchy stories that must be told with as many profanities much provocative language as possible!

So until then, my lovelies, enjoy these beautiful fall days and thank you for being my rocks of support through all of this.

Much Love,

The Mistress



  1. Can't wait to see all the new content in store! So glad and proud of you that you've not let this discourage your progress. I luuuurves you! xoxo ~ Jess

    1. Thanks Jess! Yes, new content will be bad ass...can't wait to share!!! xxoo

  2. the Method is not THE METHOD - if you know what I mean!! you are doing awesome! They banned you - for real?? I didn't know that. Thats awful!! Well, if they don't want you - we definitely do!! so keep on doing what you do!!!

    1. Thank YOU, Nina! The METHOD is whatever you make it, whatever you decide you want to be....that's what I say! Thanks for the love, honey!

  3. Parker - When I first gave up TA in May, I felt guilty and that I was losing my best friend. I really think you should give Tonique, Booty Barre and P57 a shot. Those 3 are excellent. TA feels like baby food after those. You will be surprised at how "out of shape" you really are after you try one of those workouts and how your body will start to look even better!

    1. I know that guilt feeling Connie...I've been adding in cardio intervals with jumping jacks, jogging, lunges, etc....to my dance cardio and have been loving it! I've heard a ton of great things about Tonique! Can't wait to try it.


  4. I´m so sorry that this happened. I don´t understand that either.
    Why do they do that?
    I hope that Tracy had nothing to do with it, because I finally found something that helped me and I really like Tracy!
    I´m a little confused right now...

    1. Hi Anja-- I don't know why they did it and I don't understand it either. Keep on doing the workout-- it WORKS...that's the most important thing.


  5. Ur awesome I love u agree with everything uve done ignore em all Sarah x

  6. Kudos + 10 for you for the grace that you've shown after putting up with all this BS!! I love your blog by the way. I really enjoy your writing style and the good laughs I get from your posts.

    I'm just starting out doing TAM and I like how my body is responding, but this PR mess is inexcusable, specially considering how expensive this method gets in the long run.

    I look forward to your new recipes and fab goodies to come.

    Greetings from Puerto Rico,


    1. Thanks for the kind words, Rebecca! I'm so moved by the outpouring of support from friends and strangers--- and I can feel good about the fact that even though I'm not going to publicly advocate for her method, Tracy's moves work-- and my ass will thank her! LOL! xxoo

    2. Amen sister!! Anything that can help my thass is big on my book! LOL!!

      Seriously though, thank you for sharing your journey, you rock

  7. Parker!
    This sucks! I am sorry you had to go through all of this! I think Tracy jumped on the money waggon. She totally forgot that all of us - the ladies who put in the effort and the money - who spread the word, helped her to get on the top!

    Yes, her method works. All of us TAMers know that but still she and her team should be open for criticism and change. To ban unwanted comments is NOT the way to go!

    I used my blog as a platform to share my experiences as well. Still there is no endorsement for Tracy and her method (as in extra links and images), I want my readers to decide for themselves!

    I totally support your blog transformation and I hope you´ll come up with a blog title that fits you (it took me forever to find one but in the end it came together in a very organic way!).

    Can´t wait for your new design and what you´re coming up with!

    xo Martie

    P.S. If you´re looking for an affordable design pro check out my friend Bobbi. She´s doing great designs: http://www.readytoblogdesigns.com/

    1. Hi Martie! I will def check out your blog-- LOVE the name! And thanks for the heads up about your friend Bobbi-- I will browse her designs and reach out to her!

      I'm a retard when it comes to anything technical-- just learning how to post links on this dang blog took a miracle, lol, so it totally stresses me out thinking about the redesign.


  8. Wow, I can't believe you were banned. I've been off the TAM wagon for a while & just recently decided to revisit, but you were always one of my favorite TAM blogs to visit! I'm truly disappointed in how you were treated, but I'm happy that you found your own niche. Best of luck!
