The Mistress

The Mistress of the Method is 36 and in the worst physical shape of her entire life....

Fast forward to 2 years later:

The Mistress is in the best shape of her life and is kicking ass and taking names.

How's that for a comeback??  Haaaaaaaaaay!!!

Through Thick and Thin!
Since starting this blog, I have crossed some majah stuff off the bucket list:

1. Got skinny.  Well, not skinny, but I dropped 45 lbs with the help of a low-carb, high-fat diet (LCHF).  I have a cookbook available on Amazon called "Eat Rich, Stay Skinny" that documented my weight loss journey and some of the recipes that helped me get (and stay) there.
2. Got a job on TV.  Back on TV y'all and loving it!  I host a cooking segment on CBS Atlanta called "What's on Parker's Plate?" and am now a regular foodie blogger on Huffington Post's Taste section.

3. Got real.  When things got tough for me, physically and financially, it was really hard to rebound.  (The good, the bad and the ugly is recounted by a colleague of mine in his media blog) But I kept pushing for what I wanted and believed was my path, and the universe finally listened.

On the old blog, I had written:
I want to love being ME again-- and JP, the love of my life, will no doubt be happy knowing he won't be living with a crazy, bloated, moody and broke ass nightmare anymore!

Love of my Life.
Doneski.  Well, I'm still a little crazy, but in a good way.  And the best is yet to come.  I won't be posting on here daily, but re-starting Tracy Anderson's bootcamp is motivating me to be accountable and to atleast post during my 30 day exercise re-BOOT.\

Find me on Facebook and subscribe to my foodie website, What's on Parker's Plate? for your daily dose of delish.  (And humor, and food porn and videos where I usually take bites of food that huge and utterly  inappropriate!)


The Mistress

1 comment:

  1. Parker,
    this is amazing. I´m really a miss too since I injured my knee, had a break in the method and gained half of what I lost back :(

    Back on track I vowed to make 2012 my year too, I want to get rid of those pounds, get back in shape, find a job that makes me happy and isn´t incredibly underpaid like my current one (to save up and move to a bigger and nicer apt) and maybe Mr.Kiss and I are starting a family:)

    I feel like we Meta-sisters are all in this together!

    So glad I found your blog!! xxx
